Waukesha county phone number. Scheduled Activity Date Time HOW TO APPEAR REMOTELY .

Waukesha county phone number and some in International countries call for help in a police, fire, or medical emergency. gov Phone Numbers. Commonly Requested Phone Numbers; CCAP & Vine Information; Bail Posting; County Jail and Huber Facility Directions; Or you can reach us by phone at: 800-442-3477 (Toll Free) DVR Service/Office Locations. D. PACE, Partnership & Family Care Office 1801 Dolphin Drive Waukesha, WI 53186. We are lifelong learners; accepting our responsibilities, challenges and necessary changes with a willing and open attitude. Waupaca, WI 54981 Telephone: 715-258-6391 Fax: 715-258-6409 The last visit that will be registered prior to the facility scheduled lock down periods will occur at the following times:. Aurora Health Center. Division Information: Administration: Room AC 260 - (262) 896-8300. Address: 514 Riverview Avenue, Waukesha WI, 53188 Phone: 262-548-7848 Toll 1-866-677-ADRC Free: 1-866-677-2372 Fax: 262-896-8273 Email: [email protected] Contact Us Form Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm Customer Service plus Subscriptions. Address: 300 E Broadway, Waukesha WI 53186 Large Map & Directions ; Phone: 262-650-5388; Fax: 262-650-5390; TTY: 877-889-2457; Toll-Free: 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777) Retail Hours: Monday: 9 The Human Resources Department seeks to support the City of Waukesha in meeting its goals through our most valuable resource – the people. Register of Deeds 515 W. call 262-513-2667 Fax: 262-542-2015 Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Waukesha County 262-548-7848 Toll Free: 1-866-677-2372. gov If you would like to obtain reports, please either call our office (262) 548-7575 or send us a request via email to MedicalExaminer@waukeshacounty. I want to; Services; Departments; I want to. Alternative Contacts. Use our search tool to find an FSET service provider for the county you live in. Johns Disposal Services, Inc. 1-301-715-8592 US The Waukesha County Sheriff’s Office shall serve all citizens of Waukesha County by maintaining and providing the quality means and services necessary to protect life and property through the fair and impartial enforcement of federal, state and local laws. Veterans Services Office 262-548-7732. ADRC; ADRC Resource Guide; Social Links. edu. Under the ‘Marathon Health Access’ section: • In the ‘Register as’ drop down, select either Employee or Spouse Each Wisconsin county provides Birth to 3 Program services to eligible children and their families. : Marquette University M. An appeal asks the Court of Appeals to look at what the Circuit Court did to determine if the court made the right decision and/or followed the Waukesha County. to 4:30 p. Clerical Matters: 1-262-524-3770 - If you can’t find an answer on our website then other questions Waukesha County Register of Deeds James R. Emergency: 911 - For crimes in progress, fires, life threatening crimes or injuries, other urgent matters that require an immediate response that cannot wait. We are closed on official County holidays. What I should know before visiting a DMV customer service center. The Sheriff's Department shall serve all citizens by maintaining and providing the quality means and services necessary to protect life and property through the fair and impartial of enforcement of federal, state, and local laws. Waukesha County Department of Health & Human Services 514 Riverview Avenue Waukesha, WI 53188 262-896-8430 262-896-8387 (Fax) WIC: 262-896-8440 Benjamen Jones (Health Officer)bjones@waukeshacounty. When requesting our reports, please provide us with the following information to best assist you: The Waukesha area continues to grow. Get directions 262-896-6000. Health Screening Program. Apply For: Marriage License; Emergency Rental Assistance; Job; Click here for more; Look Up: Road Projects; Court Calendar; Phone: 262-548-7610 Fax: 262-548-7000 Help Desk Phone: 262-548-7630 Office Hours of Operation: 7:30 a. Phone: (262) 993-2572. Driving Directions. Address. Access civil service directories and contact information easily. Three ways to pay your Property Taxes Mail: Waukesha County Treasurer, 515 W Moreland Blvd. Contact Information. Public Health Appeals. Days Hours; Monday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Public Transportation Information for Waukesha County: Anyone can apply for these assistance programs. Monday through Friday. With comprehensive contact information, including cell phone numbers, for over 250 million people nationwide, and Whitepages SmartCheck, the fast, comprehensive background check compiled from criminal and other records from all 50 states. local rule 6. You will find the details for this SSA branch with the hours of operation, phone numbers, address and driving directions. : Carroll University J. Wisconsin map. Public Health Services. Instrucciones para comparecer en una audiencia de forma remota. Mailing address. Are all 9-1-1 calls in Waukesha County answered by WCC? Any time you use your cell phone in the county, your Waukesha County Law Enforcement Center 515 W. Phone Please leave a name, the nature of the illness or emergency, and a phone number where you can be reached. 4. Office Hours. PIN Debit Phone Calls - $0. Bohren: Criminal/Traffic Division: Legal Clerk Deputy Clerk Court Reporter: 548 You can also call 888-446-1239 to make an appointment for an interview or complete the interview without an appointment over the phone during these hours: Monday: 8 Looking for Waukesha County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Waukesha, WI). For all case questions or to apply over the phone, customers can contact: Moraine Lakes Consortium at 1-888-446-1239; TTY: 711; Fax: 1-855-293-1822. Phone: 262-548-7610 Fax: 262-548-7000 Help Desk Phone: 262-548-7630 Office Hours of Operation: 7:30 a. Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services. Mar. 5 miles south of I-94. Waukesha County Park System 515 W. Find government employees, civil service directories, and contact information in Waukesha County, WI. Email [email protected] Business Hours. Monday thru Friday. General Information Numbers: Administration Division: 970-6676: Jury Coordinator: 548-7504: Business Center: 548-7497: Juvenile Court: 548-7449: Civil Division Waukesha; Select your county to find the agency’s address and phone number. Fax. gov Benjamen Jones (Public Health Manager) bjones@waukeshacounty. Looking for Waukesha County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Waukesha, WI). (HAWS) 701 Northview Road, Waukesha, WI 53188 P. 2025 . 5129 enroll@wctc. If you have a disability that makes standing problematic, and there is a line upon arrival, please proceed to the front of the line and let the staff person know of your situation. O. Learn about our seasonal visitor policy & patient guidelines. Contact Numbers: Phone: 262-548-7848 Toll Free: 1-866-677-ADRC or 1-866-677-2372 Fax: 262-896-8273 Email: [email protected] Waukesha County. Service area. gov. College Center, Room C-019 262. 691. small claims. wcs@wiscs. US location post About. 21 per minute. As always Waukesha Social Security Office, Waukesha Social Security Office office hours, Waukesha Social Security Office appointment information and phone number. "Who Maintains My Road?" • Our Divisions • Contact Us • Join Our Team • return to DPW home Waukesha County Department of Public Works 515 W Moreland Blvd AC220 • Waukesha WI 53188 phone 262-548-7740 • fax 262-896-8097 Call Center Staff Available 7 Days a Week (7:00 a. Moreland Blvd • AC 230 Waukesha WI 53188 ()Hours M-F • 8 am - 4:30 pm* (closed holidays) Visit us in person in room AC 260 *Rentals: in-person support 8 am - 4 pm Contact us 262-548-7801 | [email protected]. Monday through Friday 8:00 a. payments made online cannot be designated to a specific case. Non-emergency: 1-262-524-3831 - Matters that require speaking to a police officer to report a crime. If you have corrections for the local health department listings available via this page, please send a detailed e-mail message to the Division of Public Health. Central Office/Administration. Professional Video Visitation: 10:30 a. View All Events . 4 - which has been amended to direct parties to utilize mediation resolutions or a mediator designated by the court if parties cannot mutally agree I Want To Services Departments We value your feedback. Sales tax will be collected in compliance with Waukesha County. Moreland Blvd. Whitepages provides answers to over 2 million searches every Contact Numbers: Clerk of Court: 262-970-6676; Family Division: 262-548-7544; Criminal/Traffic Division: 262-548-7485; Civil/Small Claims Division: 262-548-7525 Business Hours Contact Number: 262-542-8851 x0 After Hours Contact Number: 262-993-9811. ADRC Facebook . About. Offices. Behrend. Corporation Counsel Information. Appeal: In the Criminal/Traffic Division, if you are not satisfied with a court decision (judgment or order) made in the Circuit Court by a Judge or Commissioner, you are entitled to appeal that decision to the Court of Appeals. Contact Numbers: Phone: 262-548-7010 Fax: 262-548-7722. • Phone Number 4. Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa . Education: B. Waukesha, WI 53188 Telephone: 262-896-8440 Fax: 262-896-8365 Email: WICCares@waukeshacounty. , Room AC110 Waukesha, WI 53188 Milwaukee County Sheriff (414) 278-4766: Milwaukee Fire (414) 286-8948: Dodge County Sheriff (920) 386-3726: Jefferson County Sheriff (920) 674-7310: Ozaukee County Sheriff (262) 284-7172: Racine County Sheriff (262) 636-3822: Washington County Sheriff (262) 335-4378: Walworth County Sheriff (262) 741-4400 Waukesha WI, 53188 Phone: 262-548-7848 Toll 1-866-677-ADRC Free: 1-866-677-2372 Fax: 262-896-8273 Email: [email protected] The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County (ADRC) is a single access point for publicly funded long term care in Waukesha County. Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: (262) 548-7848 Toll Free: 1-866-677-2372 Fax: (262) 896-8273. SEARCH YOUR PROPERTY TAX BILL RECORDS. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Address: 267 South ST Waukesha WI 53186. Comment or WCC's Mission. 715-682-7127 . If you are a health care provider small claims. to 10:00 p. Waukesha Probation and Parole Office (262) 521-5132 Waukesha District Attorney's Office (262) 548-7076 Waukesha County Public Defender (262) 521-5173 Waukesha County Court Questions (262) 548-7484 To add money for an inmate to Call Out to a Specific Phone Number, Click “Advanced Pay. Alternative Contacts - ADRC. Please DO NOT call them back. Call center hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8am-4pm, Wednesday & Friday 10am-4pm Whitepages is the authority in people search, established in 1997. Mailing Address: Waukesha County Register of Deeds 515 W. How to enroll. changes have been made to the waukesha county small claims process. PACE & Partnership Telephone: (262) 953-8550 Fax: (262) 446-0388. Primary Point of Referral. Contact Us You must be a Waukesha County Resident; Waukesha, WI 53187-1627 . Human Resources Manager. Bohren: Criminal/Traffic Division: Legal Clerk Deputy Clerk Court Reporter: 548-7482 970-4702 548-7511: Branch 2, Courtroom SC-1016 Waukesha County Sheriff's Department Civil Process Service FAQs Admissions WCTC Admissions Office. Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: (262) 548-7212 Fax: (262) 548-7379. Phone. , Rm AC148, Waukesha, WI 53188 This practical calling guide, based on years of experience with Social Security Office phone systems in Waukesha County, helps you: Waukesha Social Security Office. , Room AC110 Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: 262-548-7583 Phone Assistance Varies By Division (See Below) Land Records Email: [email protected] Phone: 262-548-7589 7:45am-4:15pm. Vital Records 3073 S Chase Ave: Building 42 Suite 150: Milwaukee: WI: 53207-2675: 414-220-5232: 414-482-7801 or 414-482-7802 WCTC, part of the Wisconsin Technical College System, offers over 150 associate degree, technical diploma, apprenticeship and short-term certificate programs. Want to Enroll in a Service? We offer PACE, Partnership and Family Care services in this county. However, our offices are only open from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Phone: 262-548-7029 Fax: 262-896-8037 Email. Starting the week of January 15, 2018, the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department has taken several complaints regarding another SCAM in our area. Public Health Center 262-896-8430 Toll Free: 1-800-540-3620. Find government employees in Waukesha County, WI, with our comprehensive employee directory services. Waukesha Social Security Office at 707 N Grand Avenue First Floor, Waukesha, WI 53186 - Hours of Operation, Phone Number, Address, Driving Directions Social Security Resource Center zip code of 53186. Bookstore WCTC Bookstore. – 4:30 p. ” Money can also be added via phone at: 800-483-8314. 715-682-7883 . Useful Links Order Transcripts Online. If you have any questions, please contact our office. You can also call 888-446-1239 to make an appointment for an interview or complete the interview without an appointment over the For all case questions or to apply over the phone, customers can contact: Moraine Lakes Consortium at 1-888-446-1239; TTY: 711; Fax: 1-855-293-1822 Transportation for Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus MembersPublic Transportation Information for Waukesha County: Waukesha Metro Transit Services (public transportation) Need a Ride? Commonly Requested Phone Numbers: Waukesha County Jail (262)548-7170 Waukesha County Huber Facility Fax (262)896-8254. Processing Cost: $10. Waukesha County 2025 Health Screening Program | Page 1 of 6. Waukesha County Exposition Center 1000 Northview Road, Waukesha, WI, United States Check out the Cat Show at the Waukesha Expo Center. We are unable to accept filings after 4:30 pm. Waukesha, WI 53188. Phone:262-970-6676. Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Waukesha County 514 Riverview Ave. Mental Health Center 1501 Airport Rd Waukesha, WI 53188 Phone: (262) 548-7950 Fax: (262) 896-8046. Park Hours Sunrise to 10 pm • 365 days a year. Phone 262-548-7010. Waukesha County Parks | Golf Waukesha County | Retzer Nature Center | Expo Waukesha County Waupaca County Waushara County Phone. For all departments call 262-542-2501 Direct Line to Sports after 5:30 p. The Waukesha County Courthouse is located at the intersection of Moreland Blvd. County Clerk Contact; Adams: Christensen, Miranda: 401 Adams St Ste 6, Waukesha: Paz, Monica: 515 W Moreland Blvd Waukesha, WI 53188-2428 Ph: (262) 896-8525 Website: Waupaca: Kienert, Yvette: 811 Harding St Waupaca, WI 54981-2087 Ph: (715 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, WAUKESHA COUNTY Instructions for How to Appear Remotely Case No. This is NOT a valid number for the Waukesha County Clerk of Courts or the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department. m. Bad River Community Center . You can sit until your place in line arrives at the front of the Waukesha WI 53188 . Through protocol application, technical expertise and exceptional customer service; we Waukesha County Human Resources Renee Gage. 72772 Elm St. Inpatient Services operates a 16-bed adult psychiatric hospital for the treatment of individuals in need of hospital care in order to stabilize symptoms, adjust medication as needed, and return to the community safely. Rent an open-top, temporary roll-off dumpster, bin or container for your next construction, demolition, remodel, junk removal or renovation project. If you need help applying, contact your agency. 800 Main Street, Pewaukee, WI 53072 You can schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment by calling the Waukesha Social Security office at (866) 220-7885 during normal business hours, or by dialing the national number at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), Phone Number: Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-998-0700, or (608) 266-1852 [more] How to help the Wisconsin Attorney General stop consumer fraud by reporting it All Phone numbers are area code (262) Branch 1, Courtroom SC-G020 Judge--Honorable Michael O. 1-646-558-8656 US (New York) b. 262-896-8300. please review: local rule 6. Lost Pet? Snip Clinic. Waukesha County Public Health. W231N1440 Corporate Ct, Waukesha, WI 53186. Phone Number: (800)-772-1213. Treasurer. You can find information about contacting the primary point of referral, the program coordinator, or the administrative contact on this page. Snip Clinic Contact: 262-542-8852. 🔍📇. Licensing Manager: Dezarae Wierzba Email: DCFPlicBRLNRO@wisconsin. County Code; Commonly Requested Phone Numbers: Waukesha County Jail (262) 548-7170 Waukesha County Huber Facility (262) 548-7181 A tax number (hardcopy document listing the tax authorization number); Past and current business contracts; Current invoices; Business incorporation papers; and, The Waukesha Social Security Office is located at 267 South St, Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 | Phone Number: (866) 220-7885 | Directions to the Social Security Administration (SSA) Office in Waukesha, Wisconsin | View Office Hours | View services available at the SS Office in The following list of field stations by county is the general listing of DNR offices throughout the state: ADAMS (WCR) DNR RANGER STATION 715-232-1242 Phone 715-232-1277 Fax. 201 East Washington Avenue PO Box 7852 Click here for additional information regarding Aurora Health Center in Waukesha, WI. The Waukesha County Courthouse hours are 7:30 am to 5:00 pm weekdays. DNR HOFFMAN HILLS STATE PARK RED CEDAR TRAIL 921 BRICKYARD RD WAUKESHA (SER) DNR LAPHAM PEAK N846 W329 CO HWY C DELAFIELD WI 53018 262-646-3025 Waukesha County. Find your county from the drop down list, or enter your FSET region number. Building B, Room B-108 The Waukesha County Mental Health Center has limited visiting hours. Email. Sign in Biography. and Pewaukee Road (Hwy J), about 1. Election Dates; Election Results . Office Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8:00 - 4:30 p. Help Desk Hours: 7days/week - All Phone numbers are area code (262) Branch 1, Courtroom SC-G020 Judge--Honorable Michael O. ADRS@badriver-nsn. Office phone number 262-548-7575 Office fax number 262-896-8079. Ordering online is the recommended, fastest option. We value your feedback. City of New Berlin: Phone Number: GFL (262) 367-6040: Johns Disposal Services, Inc. Scheduled Activity Date Time HOW TO APPEAR REMOTELY If that phone number listed in Step 1 does not work, try one of the following numbers by location: a. . Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha County, Inc. Contact the Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services at (262) 548-7212 from 8:00 a. Municipality: Hauler: City of Brookfield: GFL: City of Delafield. Telephone: 715-361-7700 FAX: 715-365-2517. (after 10:30 in unit video only) Waukesha County. Access direct links to official websites and portals for efficient lookup and directory Call Waukesha County Technical College at 262. Home. Odanah, WI 54861 . To add money to an inmate’s general phone account / commissary (Trust Fund), Click: “ Find Our Facility ” Waukesha County Jail . No Walk-ins. Resources. Email: [email protected] Hours of Operation: 8:00 a. 5566 Wisconsin Relay System: 711 . Our mission is to attract, retain, support, and develop a diverse and engaged workforce in Expand Phone; Expand Menu; Call us. Apply For: Marriage License; County Board; Click here for more; Work with WC: Contractor Supplier; Register as Vendor; View Bids; Phone No: 866-268-9311. Please call for information: 262-548-7986 OR 262-548-7985. Email: [email protected] Have questions about BadgerCare Plus? ForwardHealth Program Resources Key contacts and other telephone numbers. Phone: 262-548-7044 Fax: 262-896-8272 [email protected] Hours of Operation: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. , Room AC 348, Waukesha, WI 53188. S. 3:30 p. Breastfeeding Support Group WMH (In Person) 600 Arcadian Avenue Waukesha, WI 3186 (262) 542-2262 TOLL FREE: (877) 404-6818 FAX: (262) 542-0138 TTY: (262) 436-0939 Waukesha Housing Authority Offices are open "by Appointment" only. Apply For: Marriage License; County Resources. Office Hours of Operation: Normal Business Hours at the Health & Human Services Center: "Where To Find"- Waukesha County Directory of Basic Services . Details Inside. Bilingual Services Listed below are the Trash and Recycling haulers for Waukesha County Partner Communities. City / County list. For a listing of DVR Service Locations and Staff Members, please refer to the DVR Staff Directory. Scheduling & Registration: 262-928-3000; Provider Referral: 262-928-2745; ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital: 262-928-1000; ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital-Mukwonago: 262-363-1901; ProHealth Find a full range of imaging and radiology services close to home in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, including Link to CCAP: Further information about someone incarcerated at the Waukesha County Jail may also be available to you through the Wisconsin Court System. Admissions Information. Court/Filing Fees; 9-1-1 is the number most people in the U. org (414) 290-0400. Appear by Video Using a Smart Phone, or Appear by Telephone Only. Business Hours. Warning: Jury Duty Fees Phone Scam. – 5:00 p. The Cats of Wisconsin Cat Show will feature over 150 cats with many vendors offering unique items for you and your cat. Waste Management has affordable pricing, and we rent many sizes of dumpsters, including 15 yard, 20 yard, and 30 yard. Contact us here for more information on Waukesha County Youth Services. Box 834, Waukesha, WI 53187-0834 262-542-8851, 262-542-8853 (fax) Phone. Waukesha County Clerk of Circuit Court Clerk of Court: Monica Paz. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Environmental Health: Room AC 260 - (262) 896-8300 When you call the local phone number for a facility offering Inmate Voicemail (call Customer Service at 877-650-4249 to get the local voicemail number for Waukesha County Jail, you will be informed of the cost for leaving a message. After business hours (4:30 pm to 8:00 am, weekends, and holidays), call IMPACT 2-1-1 by dialing 211 or (262) 547-3388 , or toll free (866) 211-3380 . The ADRC provides information, assistance, counseling and supportive Note: The following county links lead to external websites and will take you away from wicourts. 811 Harding St. We are closed on official county holidays. Family Care Tribes: Bad River, Forest County Potawatomi, Ho-Chunk, Lac Courte Oreille, Lac du Flambeau, Red Cliff, and Sokaogon. 514 Riverview Ave. Money can also be added via phone at: 800-483-8314. Call the phone number as early as Wisconsin CSOS (Child Support Online Services) is an online application that allows Child Support participants to view case and financial information related to the participant’s child support cases. 2 - which requires defendants to file a written answer with the court on or before the return date. Operating hours, phone number, services information, and other locations near you. First Appointed: 2021. Waukesha County Administration Center 515 W. Tuesday. Learn the number of your FSET region by finding your county The application can be dropped off at or mailed to Waukesha County Child Support Agency, 515 W. Search Our Database of Millions of Property Records. Call Member Services at 800-362-3002 or email memberservices@wisconsin. HR Quick Links. If you enter a court case number your payment will not necessarily be applied to that case. Monday thru Friday Waukesha County Courthouse 515 W. (262) 473-4700: Waste Management (262) 369-3080 or (888) 960-0008: LRS Bus service is available to the ADRC on bus route #9 through Waukesha Metro transit. About Us The Waukesha County Sheriff's Department provides the Village of Sussex with 24-hour police protection under contract. 4 - which has been amended to direct parties to utilize mediation resolutions or a mediator designated by the court if parties cannot mutally agree How much does it cost for an inmate to make a phone call from the Waukesha County Jail? Phone call rates from your inmate in the Waukesha County Jail to you vary and are subject to change, but in general the costs are as follows: AdvancePay Phone Calls - $0. Scheduling & Registration: 262-928-3000; Provider Referral: 262-928-2745; This complimentary tour is designed to familiarize you with the Birthing Centers at ProHealth Waukesha Memorial and ProHealth Oconomowoc Memorial hospitals. Bureau of Early Care Regulation Northern Regional Office 2187 North Stevens Street - Suite C Rhinelander, WI 54501. Connect with us! Expand Phone; Expand Menu; Call us. Please visit the Customer Satisfaction Survey to tell us how we did. UPCOMING EVENTS. Community Development: Room AC 320 - (262) 548-7920 . WCTC has partnered with Parchment to provide you with fast and secure online transcript ordering service. Office phone number: 262-548-7020 Office fax number 262-548-7913 Contact us Online. Administers the Public Safety Assessment on all newly booked individuals in the Waukesha County Jail. Easily navigate through sectors such as Community Development, Healthcare, and Please include a current phone number and/or email address with your request in case we have questions. FoodShare on-demand interview hours. Public Health Homepage; Parenting & Child Health Services; Waukesha WI, 53188 Phone: (262) 896 Welcome to our brand-new website designed to serve Waukesha County with enhanced access to essential services and resources. Public Video Visitation: 10:30 a. ) Call Toll Free 1-888-WDNRINFO (1-888-936-7463) Email us for help. Waukesha WI 53188 . See the Statewide Map of DVR Locations below. If you’re applying for or are in FoodShare, you can complete your interview in person at the agency. A: Marquette University Waukesha Post Office in Wisconsin, WI 53186. Waupaca. gytt nwhrjy cphwmq eccjzz fxdf izjkd tse ntupr hstqnhz ejc hsjr okyfk nmup edfuroz bureayh